Friday, February 9, 2007

Does Obama Have What It Takes?

Obama would not be poised to announce his running for the highest office in the land tomorrow if he didn’t think so. Obama is still set to announce his candidacy in front of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. In fact, such large crowds are expected that some roads in downtown Springfield will be closed Saturday morning and some businesses are planning to open earlier than usual.

Some of you may be unimpressed by Obama’s lack of a political resume, but Obama sees it as one of his strengths. Obama took a different route to running for President. He got into national politics later in life and gained experience through work as a community organizer, civil rights attorney, constitutional law professor and state legislator for Illinois. Obama said in an interview with USA today that this kind of experience “provides me with insights into solving problems at the federal level and at the local level and at the neighborhood level.” He also said that experience "is what's needed right now.” Obama is turning his weaknesses into strengths and making people think about things a little bit differently. He is challenging the idea that you have to have an impressive political resume to be President. He definitely has an impressive resume but it is not political. This may be what America needs. In this time of war and uncertainty, we need new answers to old problems.

1 comment:

No Homo said...

You say "In this time of war and uncertainty, we need new answers to old problems."

But "trouble is, there’s nothing "new" or "different" about Barack Obama. Behind that charm and charisma — a media-entrancing appeal worthy of Bill Clinton —is an extremely liberal-left politician...

Obama voted against the Bush tax cuts on capital gains and dividends, justifying his anti-growth stance with the old class-warfare saw about tax cuts for the rich. Of course, these are the very same tax cuts that spurred economic expansion, created record job growth, and reduced the deficit as revenues flooded the Treasury.

The young senator also voted against repealing the death tax. He dismissed it as a "Paris Hilton tax break" that would give "billions of dollars to billionaire heirs and heiresses." Try telling that to the owners of farms, ranches, and small businesses who are forced to sell their legacies because of this tax.

He swings a nice protectionist bat, too. He has voted against free trade (CAFTA) and U.S. energy independence (drilling in ANWR), and has opposed lifting a $0.54 per gallon tariff on Brazilian ethanol. "Ethanol imports are neither necessary nor a practical response to current gasoline prices," he claimed. Nonsense.

He's also strongly opposed to personal retirement accounts for Social Security reform, and prefers instead that the government stewards your money. As Amanda Carpenter wrote in Human Events, "When speaking out against various tax cuts, Obama has likened the 'Ownership Society' — which entails such things as personalized Social Security accounts, health savings accounts and school choice — to 'social Darwinism.'""