Thursday, February 15, 2007

Obama's Travels

When Obama took office in January 2005, he hit the Senate Floor running. After two years in office, he has spent more of taxpayer’s money on travels than any other Senator who took office with him. Nearly $28,000 according to This does not mean that he has misused our tax dollars. John Kerry spent more than double what Obama spent in 2005 and 2006. This kind of spending is unusual for a junior Senator but not for a Presidential hopeful. Obama started building his Presidential resume as soon as he took office. According to, Obama's staff issued a brief statement saying he's proud that his Russia trip led to an anti-proliferation law and that his Africa trip encouraged people to be tested for AIDS. In Russia, Obama toured a dilapidated factory where weapons, including a nuclear missile were being dismantled. In Africa, his wife publicly took an AIDS test to encourage Kenyans to do the same.

Obama needs to have these kinds of experiences to be a successful President. He should take advantage of taxpayer dollars to travel the world and gain these experiences. Not only is he able to see the impact he is able to make by influencing an anti-proliferation law or helping in the fight against AIDS, he’s networking with people around the world to be respected in a global community. It’s the same thing as a college student taking advantage of studying abroad and CO-OPing. It’s not required, but it helps in the long run.

Pravda a Russian news source ran the same story as Fox News.

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