Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Slash and Burn Politics

Today, Hollywood elites such as George Clooney, Eddie Murphy and Barbra Streisand attended a fundraiser for Barack Obama which raised one million dollars for the Democratic Presidential candidate. Tickets to the fundraiser are $2,300, which is the maximum individual donation to a federal campaign. (Associated Press) This summed up a three day tour of California which started on Sunday in San Diego and went to San Francisco yesterday for a fundraiser for California Senator Barbara Boxer. The San Francisco Chronicle reported, “While the fundraiser was for Boxer, who will run for a fourth Senate term in 2010, Obama was the star of the show.” Obama entered the stage to a huge applause and chants saying “Mr. President!” while outside of the ballroom, hundreds of democrats who could not get tickets, waited to catch a glimpse of Obama.

In San Francisco, Obama hoped that our country was on the brink of a hopeful new era. He said “For all the slash-and-burn politics, underneath all that, there is something that binds us together as a people that is greater than anything that divides us. That thing called hope.” We have heard Obama mention slash and burn politics before, in Las Vegas, but what exactly is it? Slash and burn is a term used when part of a forest is cut and the vegetation is allowed to dry. It is then burned and the land is cultivated for a few years. It is then almost always abandoned because the land loses its fertility and is taken over by weeds. Is that what is happening in Washington? Obama believes so.

Americans expect to get something for nothing, which is why the deficit is exponentially growing, nothing is being done to stop global warming, and there are going to be serious issues with social security by the time I’m 65. Temporary fixes aren’t going to cut it. We need to control our spending and find alternatives to balancing the budget other than raising the deficit. We need to lower our dependence on oil. We need to fix social security so that our generation can actually receive it. If we don’t fix these problems, our country will be no different than a burnt forest.

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