Sunday, February 18, 2007

Obama Goes to Vegas

Today, Senator Obama made a short stop in Las Vegas on his Presidential Campaign. He continues to present himself as an outsider in Washington. Obama has been careful not to lose his fresh face appeal. He said, “We’ve got to get beyond the small politics, the timid politics ... the slash and burn politics that have become the custom in Washington,” in front of a crowd of 3,500 at an amphitheater just outside Las Vegas, (Las Vegas Sun). He spoke broadly about making sure every child has an opportunity for a better future, calling for more funding for education. An overlying theme of his campaign is a promise for a better future and that we are all in this together. Obama is still in the process of winning the hearts and souls of Americans without fully revealing his agenda. Obama will answer the hard questions when they are asked.

Once again, Obama spoke about healthcare, an issue which lain dormant for many years and is back in the limelight for the 2008 election. Obama looks to reform the healthcare system by encouraging preventative care and reducing administrative costs by 10 percent. With the money saved, every American could have affordable healthcare.

Obama has been criticized for speaking too broad and for having no agenda. I believe Obama has an agenda and will release the details when the time is right. He only announced his candidacy eight days ago. He needs to win over the hearts and souls of Americans and get his name out there as a serious candidate. Unlike Hilary Clinton and John Edwards, Americans do not really know what Obama believes in. His short voting record only shows so much. There will be a time when Obama tells us how he plans to fix these issues. If he didn’t have solutions, he wouldn’t be in the race.

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