Thursday, February 1, 2007

A New Direction

Barack Obama is expected to announce his candidacy for President on February 10 at the Illinois Old State Capitol where Abraham Lincoln once served as state representative according to Chicago Business. The Old State Capitol is the place where Lincoln gave his famous “House Divided” speech where he warned the American people that the country could not remain half free and half slave. Obama can find strength in comparing himself to Abraham Lincoln since a major criticism of Obama is his so called lack of experience. Lincoln won the presidency after serving in the Illinois State House and a single term in Congress. Obama served in the Illinois State Senate for seven years and has represented Illinois in the Senate since January 2005.

One criticism of Obama is his lack of experience with foreign policy. His critics are probably right, but if experience in foreign policy was that important to American voters then, George Bush and Bill Clinton would never have been voted President. The war in Iraq will be on the front lines of the 2008 election and Obama has the right idea for America to succeed in the war. He agrees with the conclusion of the Iraq Study Group who called for the phased removal of troops in Iraq. Far from Bush’s call for 21,500 additional troops for Iraq. Obama believes that the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds must resolve their differences to end the civil war in Iraq. Obama has the right idea for America to succeed in Iraq. The current administration needs to admit its failures and that it misled the country into a war. The healing of America starts with a withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Not additional troops.

Obama brings a fresh face to politics but his ideas are not new. Many democrats agree with the Iraq Study Group’s call for a withdrawal of troops. Hilary Clinton does not support Bush’s escalation of the war in Iraq. In a statement after Bush’s speech calling for an additional 21,500 troops for Iraq, Clinton called loud and clear for a new direction in Iraq.

America is looking to move in a new direction as seen by the last midterm election. Many freshman Congressmen and women were elected across the country removing many incumbents from Congress. Barack Obama not only believes a new direction is necessary, he represents new direction as a young, freshman Senator.

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