Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Obama's Announcement for President

In the morning of February 10, 2007, Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President in front of crowds at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois where the temperature was 12 degrees Fahrenheit. Thousands gathered with Obama ’08 pins on their coats and banners in their hands to witness to Obama’s first speech of his Presidential Campaign. To see the video, click here. As follows are a few highlights and my reactions to his speech.

Barack’s Journey Here

Barack Obama moved to Chicago over 20 years ago, just out of college, knew no one and was broke. He was accepted a job making $13,000 a year as a community organizer for a group of churches. At the time he did not know that this would be a start of a lifelong goal to play a part in building a better America. He held this job for three years, working in some of the poorest neighborhoods in Chicago, then went to law school. He then worked as a civil rights lawyer and taught constitutional law. After realizing that the fundamental liberties of American depended on active participation so he arrived in the capitol city, Springfield, Illinois to be a State Senator.

Time for Change

The American people have been lied to by the current administration. We have been told that the deficit doesn’t matter. The fact is that we are passing our dept on to our children for them to deal with. Eventually, the governments we borrow from are going to stop loaning us money. At that time, operations across the world, such as our presence in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa will have to stop. The scaling back of the War in Iraq must start now. This country has changed and it can be changed again. It is possible to scale back the war in Iraq and still protect our country from terrorists. We also need to lower our dependence on oil with the development of alternative fuel sources.

House Divided

The next President will lead a country that is divided on many issues. Granted, they are not as big as the problems that Abraham Lincoln faced, the country is not on the brink of being physically divided, this country will survive as a whole whether we stay in Iraq or if we leave. A decision must be made because country divided will fail and we need to be united under one leader. Lincoln had setbacks, doubts and defeats, but it is because of him that we are still one great nation. There will always be disagreements between parties and peoples but the time is now to bridge the gap between the rich and poor, republicans and democrats, war supporters and non-supporters. We need all the facts before we can decide as a nation if we support this war, facts that have not been provided by the current administration. We need next president to unite this country and that's why Barack Obama is in the race.

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